Saturday, July 24, 2010

Paris Tokyo New York London

I was passing the time browsing various pictures of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen on olsensanonymous today, which really had me jonesin for some more jewelry. There also happened to be an advertisement for a discount on this amazing, mouth watering, exactly what Im looking for – ring at seventh door. I really really really want it, but its about 20 dollars more than I was expecting to spend on a 2finger ring. But I haven’t had much luck finding any other realistically priced rings that tickled my fancy. This particular connector cross ring though? Tickles like no other. This is seriously the perfect ring and I must have it!!!! The search is finally over. I think I'm just going to wait a little while to see if the price might go down a bit. If not, I just may have to splurge. Either way, Im keepin my fingers crossed for sure. Wish me luck

pictured above are some snapshots of what I've been wearing these past couple of days (the new tank is from target), as well as a picture of the cross ring I really want.

(picture of ring via

Friday, July 9, 2010

New Digs

Update: a few things have changed since my last post. First of all, I just recently, (finally) moved out of my house into a new apartment! But fashionwise, that super awesome ring I ordered from Urban Outfitters about a month and a half ago never showed up, so I canceled the order because I got sick of waiting. I'm definitely going to get a 2 finger ring, I just haven't decided on one yet. The Last Airbender necklace I ordered, did however, show up, and I'm very happy about it. I wasn't happy about the Last Airbender movie I have been so anxiously awaiting for for the past two years though. Major disappointment. It was so bad I wrote a 2 page review of it. Maybe I'll post it when I get a chance.

Besides that, here's what else has been goin on:
I really want an industrial piercing. Maybe as a birthday present?

and here's what I've been wearing:

New sandals form Buffalo Exchange

New Nail Polish

Friday, June 18, 2010


For those who know me well ( and there’s not many who read this blog) , they are aware that when I get into something, I REALLY get into it - to the point of obsession. My friends and family like to refer to this phenomena as my “phases”. These phases occur when my intertest in something (usually a particular book, movie or t.v show) are heightened excessively and I spend seemingly endless amounts of time talking about, researching and geeking out over said paraphanalia. The most memorable of these phases was the superman phase, in which I went as far as to paint my room red and blue, slept on a superman bedspread, bought the movie, soundtrack, poster and countless other objects relating to it. One of my recent phases was the star trek phase, which was caused by the release of the epic movie. But right now I’m in my newly reincarnated Avatar: the Last Airbender phase. I’ve always been a fan of the show, since the very first episode back in 2005 and have loved it ever since. But the series ended back in 2008, so I haven’t gotten the chance to get all crazy over it. At least not until recently. Of course the new live action version movie from M. Night Shamalamadingdong is coming out (and believe me I am counting down the days because I will be in theaters opening day watching that movie). Luckily for my impatient self I stumbled upon the series available on Netflix for instant play. So for the past week or so I’ve been re- watching episodes and even re-watching the episodes I’ve re-watched), as well as researching (yes, researching) the show, ,visiting numerous fansites and re- watching the trailer for the new movie.

But I digress. The whole point of this post was to share with you (whoever you are) the fact that I was recently obsessed with obtaining the perfect 2-finger ring, which lead me to order one from urban, and anxiously awaiting for it to arrive on my doorstep any day now. Also that just the other day I ordered a Last Airbender inspired necklace from Hot and I am now anxiously awaiting that to arrive in the mail as well. Yet somehow I ended up ranting and raving about my crazy-ness. Ah well, It is now 1 in the morning, and I think I have done enough damage so I’m going to bed now. Until next time


p.s That ring is the one that I ordered. I couldn't get a picture of the necklace up, but I'll post it once I have it in person

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010

A whole lotta me

So it’s been almost a month since I’ve last updated this here blog. Not a whole lot has happened, but I finished with school, and have done some shopping since then. Nothing too exciting going on in my week off (from school and work), but the good thing about this is that because I’m not going to be kept very busy over the next few months (I don’t go back school til the end of august!), I will have plenty of time to work on my blog. And I really do feel like it needs a lot more work.

But first, to kick off this summer posting, Here’s what I’ve mostly spent doing since school got out:

Clickin Away at my laptop

Besides that, I've just been reading Pride and Prejudice and watching waay too much Gilmore Girls

And here's what I've been wearing:

Silence and Noise top, via Crossroads

Steve Madden Sandals from Off Broadway shoes (biggest selection of shoes I've seen in a while)

Shell Shirt from crossroads

These pictures are pretty much me playing dress up with clothes I've had a while but have yet to pair together

Thrifted dashiki-like shirt, Love Culture boots

Forever 21 denim jacket, thrifted dress I've had for years, and have never worn out of the house

Pink cardigan(now I can say I own a pink article of clothing) from crossroads, thrifted top, forever 21 skirt

Same outfit, with a purple cardigan from Kohl's that I cut up and turned into a vest

The rest is just a mash-up of some other outfits I've worn lately: