Wow. It has been an unbelievably long time since I updated this thing.
So much has changed in the last 9 months. I moved to a new apartment (just right next door, but new digs none the less), I tried a semester of writing for my schools newspaper (which I’m currently taking a break from), I got my tragus pierced, I started my own jewelry line, and finally, finally, finally got a car, just to name the main updates.
I don’t really have a good excuse for my absence. Once the fall semester got started, I became incredibly busy – with newspaper and school and life- then once the semester was over I just got lazy. I began to procrastinate. Then I started taking fewer and fewer pictures, then eventually considered stopping my blog altogether. But it’s the middle of a new semester, I’m a lot less busy, and I’ve had a lot of time to think.
After longingly paroozing pages and pages of other peoples blogs – real fashion bloggers – I have come to the realization that I am not photogenic enough, nor do I have the financial means to own the quantity of clothing I crave to have - a blog like those real fashion bloggers (sea of shoes, flawless mistake, fade to black, cheap thrills, a fraction of fashion – to name my top blog idols). So I thought to myself: Cayla, you need to stop comparing yourself to those you look up to. Stop trying to be like them. Stop trying to make your blog like their blogs. Make a blog that’s original, all your own, a blog that’s yours. So I realize now that I need to reshape my blog.
It’s a new year, a new semester at school, its time to try something new. So I know now that my photos aren’t going to be as appealing as some (like Cheap Thrills. And my wardrobe won’t be as expansive as some (like Sea of Shoes). And my hair won’t be as cool as some (like in a Fraction of Fashion). But I do know that my blog will be a reflection of me for just who I am. I also realize that because my wardrobe is not exactly up to par with the way I would like it to be, that my posts will be focused more on my writing, and posts of things that I like, or would like to have, or ideas that come to mind, and etcetera etcetera….
So, how do I ring in a new blog post? Well…nothing epic.
But here’s some pictures I’ve taken recently:
These may seem totally random. But these are all from this really cool furniture store out here in my hometown. Me and My mom were walking around there today - window shopping of course, because I'm too broke too buy - and I snapped a few pictures of items I would like to have to furnish my place with!
A super tiny tea set, like the size of the tip of my thumb
Like from a carousel
One of my favorite things about this place, there were books everywhere!! Such a wide range sold for cheap prices :D
Well I think I've done a sufficient amount of posting for my first post in a long while. It may seem like its all about furniture now, but there will be more variation in my upcoming posts!!
Ta-ta for now
What have I been listening to lately you ask?
-everything by Mumford and Sons
-everything by Florence and the Machine
....over and over and over.......
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