Friday, June 18, 2010


For those who know me well ( and there’s not many who read this blog) , they are aware that when I get into something, I REALLY get into it - to the point of obsession. My friends and family like to refer to this phenomena as my “phases”. These phases occur when my intertest in something (usually a particular book, movie or t.v show) are heightened excessively and I spend seemingly endless amounts of time talking about, researching and geeking out over said paraphanalia. The most memorable of these phases was the superman phase, in which I went as far as to paint my room red and blue, slept on a superman bedspread, bought the movie, soundtrack, poster and countless other objects relating to it. One of my recent phases was the star trek phase, which was caused by the release of the epic movie. But right now I’m in my newly reincarnated Avatar: the Last Airbender phase. I’ve always been a fan of the show, since the very first episode back in 2005 and have loved it ever since. But the series ended back in 2008, so I haven’t gotten the chance to get all crazy over it. At least not until recently. Of course the new live action version movie from M. Night Shamalamadingdong is coming out (and believe me I am counting down the days because I will be in theaters opening day watching that movie). Luckily for my impatient self I stumbled upon the series available on Netflix for instant play. So for the past week or so I’ve been re- watching episodes and even re-watching the episodes I’ve re-watched), as well as researching (yes, researching) the show, ,visiting numerous fansites and re- watching the trailer for the new movie.

But I digress. The whole point of this post was to share with you (whoever you are) the fact that I was recently obsessed with obtaining the perfect 2-finger ring, which lead me to order one from urban, and anxiously awaiting for it to arrive on my doorstep any day now. Also that just the other day I ordered a Last Airbender inspired necklace from Hot and I am now anxiously awaiting that to arrive in the mail as well. Yet somehow I ended up ranting and raving about my crazy-ness. Ah well, It is now 1 in the morning, and I think I have done enough damage so I’m going to bed now. Until next time


p.s That ring is the one that I ordered. I couldn't get a picture of the necklace up, but I'll post it once I have it in person

1 comment:

  1. AIRBENDER!!!! it actually couldve been a bit better.
